2023 Accomplishments
Park Improvements:
Continued the forest restoration: removed additional non-native trees, shrubs and vines.
Planted native species, watered, weeded restoration area and installed tree protection guards to prevent rabbit and deer damage.
Maintenance and Education:
Held four volunteer days with Lower Merion High School's buildOn club.
Weeded azalea beds and spread pine needles to foster their health.
Worked with the Township to get a portion of the walking path resurfaced with a porous paving material.
Worked with the Township to have our stepping stones relocated and reconstructed.
Continued to work with the Township to mitigate the Spotted Lanternfly invasion.
Worked with the township on poison ivy control.
Township has repaired walking path after it has been severely damaged due to this year's storms.
Paid Services:
Obtained tree care to preserve our most valued trees, including pruning, fertilizing and disease treatment.
Hired service for summer maintenance for the natural area and other parts of the park.